Discover new bars and restaurants,
join our community and get free beer…

Every Day!

  • Download the BeerPass app for FREE.

  • Sign Up and Choose a Plan (99czk/mo or 49czk/7 days)

  • Choose one of our many great Partner Bars.

  • Present the app to your server when you order.

  • Enjoy your Free Beer!

  • Repeat daily.

Marketing with

Send us your info!

We’ll feature you on our app, website and social media.

➜On our app the bars are listed by distance, with a short description of your bar, opening hours and icons that best describe what you offer.

➜Each bar also has a unique page in app that has a cover photo, a long description, and links to your website, Facebook, and directions to you that open in Maps.

➜Also on our new in app “What’s Brewing” page, we’ll list one event or special per month for you, including date, time and links to the Facebook event and your unique bar screen.

➜Don’t have any events planned? We’ll partner with you to come up with a fun event your patrons and potential patrons will love; BeerPass Trivia, Beer Tasting 101, Beer Yoga and more.

➜On the website we’ll include your logo, the long description and BeerPass recommended menu items, along with links to your website, Facebook and google reviews.

➜On social media we’ll feature you in a post up to once a month, promoting an event you’re hosting, a special you’re having, or just a great photo of your food, drinks or bar!

Partner with us for all these marketing services

We really mean it when we say partner bars. We want to partner with you to get more customers through your door. And when we do, you’ll give them a free beer when they show you the app. No cost at all to sign up with us, no cost to be featured on our app, website and social media, no cost to include your events or to help you facilitate BeerPass sponsored events.

The only cost to you is the free beer to our subscribers, and ONLY when they actually walk in the door and show you our app.

1 + 0 = ?

Marketing with

Want to Join Us?

We’ll feature you on our app, website and social media.

➜On our app the bars are listed by distance, with a short description of your bar, opening hours and icons that best describe what you offer.

➜Each bar also has a unique page in app that has a cover photo, a long description, and links to your website, Facebook, and directions to you that open in Maps.

➜Also on our new in app “What’s Brewing” page, we’ll list one event or special per month for you, including date, time and links to the Facebook event and your unique bar screen.

➜Don’t have any events planned? We’ll partner with you to come up with a fun event your patrons and potential patrons will love; BeerPass Trivia, Beer Tasting 101, Beer Yoga and more.

➜On the website we’ll include your logo, the long description and BeerPass recommended menu items, along with links to your website, Facebook and google reviews.

➜On social media we’ll feature you in a post up to once a month, promoting an event you’re hosting, a special you’re having, or just a great photo of your food, drinks or bar!

Partner with us for all these marketing services

We really mean it when we say partner bars. We want to partner with you to get more customers through your door. And when we do, you’ll give them a free beer when they show you the app. No cost at all to sign up with us, no cost to be featured on our app, website and social media, no cost to include your events or to help you facilitate BeerPass sponsored events.

The only cost to you is the free beer to our subscribers, and ONLY when they actually walk in the door and show you our app.

2 + 4 = ?

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